
A Thirst for Global Education

ID # 3735

I always reflect fondly mostly harmonious diversity I grew up with in the suburbs of Atlanta. As a child of Jamaican immigrants, as I certainly noticed the difference between myself and many of the other kids in school (especially when comparing homemade school lunches!).

My favorite days in grade school were the “Cultural Days” when a performance and speaker would come and teach us about his/her traditions. We were required to take German language and culture courses from elementary school through high school graduation. It is always fascinating for me to learn how other people live. (My dedication to the language was cemented when, surprisingly, the language skills proved useful on a 9th grade trip to Romania and Austria.)

The diverse demographic composition of my high school further planted a thirst and respect for global knowledge. I am fortunate to have attended a school which encompassed several cultures from around the world and supported open dialogue and experience of cultural traditions. This truly made me an adaptable person along with other past travel experiences, including a Spring break service trip to Honduras and several family trips to the Caribbean.

Education of various languages and cultures contrast greatly from my roots, but ultimately enhanced a fundamental appreciation for all cultures. I enjoy traveling and continuing to learn. This background has driven me to become passionately involved in diverse cultural organizations in Chapel Hill. I hope to contribute my personal world view to any who will listen! width=