Culture Kit

Scotland #2

ID # 5802

Europe, Scotland, United Kingdom

This kit provides an immersive experience into Scotland! There are several menus and recipes, and an opportunity to read a lot about Scotland — through Scottish fairy-tales, a book called “The Story of Scotland” and even some poems by the most famous Scottish poet. Also included is a card game, a digital jeopardy game, and a CD with traditional Gaelic music.

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Created By

Karen Saeed

My name is Karen Saeed. I studied abroad at St. Andrews University in Scotland for four months, and it was one of the most magnificent experiences I have had! If you get a chance to study abroad or just to visit another country, you should go for it! St. Andrews is where Prince William and Kate Middleton met. Unfortunately, I did not meet Prince Charming, but I did see Prince William’s dad Prince Charles in Edinburgh! St. Andrews has many lovely traditions like running into the North Sea as the sun rises on May 1st – called the May Dip (and it was cold!! but luckily it was followed by people warming themselves by bonfires on the beach – shown in the photo album). The picture above is me with a Highland Cow in the background as I was taking a bus tour through the Highlands to go see Loch Ness. I even got to ride a touristy boat with sonar across Loch Ness! I get extremely motion sick but decided that I needed to make the most of my time in college and go study abroad, and it was so worth it!* If you get a chance, go see Scotland!

*(p.s. if any of you reading this get motion sick, while I was abroad I discovered special candies called Gin-Gins (the ones in green wrapping), and these combined with pressure point wristbands really work wonders for me – you’re supposed to start eating the ginger days in advance of travel to get it in your system – I start about 3 days in advance and have a Gin-Gin a day and maybe also some ginger tea).

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