Culture Kit

Ecuador #1

ID # 3928

Ecuador, South America

Ecuador is an amazing country, and we have an amazing kit to represent it. This kit includes colorful bracelets, an indigenous necklace, colorful purse and rainbow woven belt, photos, handmade doll, shoes, a statue of the Virgin of Quito and of Mitad del Mundo, CDs of Ecuadorian music, postcards, an Alpaca doll, magazines, a panpipe, a mask, a pottery bowl, a futbol (soccer) jersey from Ecuador and from Barcelona, money, food items, a hand flag, a Galapagos map, Alpaca socks, a tortoise figurine, clothing, stone pipes, a hammock, a colorful tablecloth, a ceramic house with family figurines, portrait, and a tapestry.

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Created By

Katie Overbey, Shannon Steel, Billy Gerhard, Leigh Newman & Dac Cannon

The three of us (Katie, Shannon, and Billy) traveled to the Galápagos Islands to perform water quality research the summer before our senior year of college. We chose the Galápagos because it is an amazing place to study the environment and the relationship that people have with their environment. Additionally, we had all traveled there previously and were absolutely enchanted with the wildlife, scenery, and the culture. The islands are beautiful and the chance to explore the unique habitats and see the wildlife was amazing. The mainland of Ecuador is also full of wonderful things to see and do, varying from visiting the coastal towns to exploring the Amazon in the highlands. The people we encountered were always warm and friendly and often lovingly referred to us as gringos (which means people from non-Spanish speaking countries, and though it is not a mean word in Ecuador, in some places it is). Besides enjoying the wildlife and outdoor adventures that Ecuador and the Galápagos have to offer, we got immersed in the culture and learned to love everything from the diverse food to Salsa dancing.

Leigh Newman created the Ecuador Culture Kit in December 2009. Leigh was a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and studied International Studies and Economics. She is particularly interested in Latin America and spent a semester living in Quito, Ecuador during the fall of 2008. Leigh returned to Ecuador over her winter vacation in December 2009-January 2010 to do research on cultural tourism for her Senior Honors Thesis. She graduated from the university in the spring of 2010.

Hi my name is Dac. As a Spanish and Economics double major, I spent two summers and a semester abroad in South America. I spent the summer of 2004 in a rural community in the Ecuadorean Andes, about 8 hours from Quito by bus. I spent 7 weeks teaching English and health education in the community school, and several additional weeks traveling throughout the Andean region. I purchased these items along the way, and used them for K-8th grade presentations as a UCIS K-12 Presenter (the predecessor to the Carolina Navigators program).